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Software development consulting

Discovering the most appropriate technologies for a given task

Software development consulting

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We have more than 20 years of experience in fields of software design, development and optimization. In case of consulting with us, we can help you to achieve your goals most efficiently in the following areas:

  • For given business requirement which technologies or existing software solutions can be used. Our team will help you to select the most apropriate technologies to use in development or to select an existing solution if there is a one which would be good for your business requirement.
  • Design of new software solution according to your needs. During the design the solution is detailed to the level where the resource estimation can be made. During this phase, the most appropriate technologies are selected in order to have the most cost effective software solution at the end.


Choosing the most appropriate technology or application for the emerging software development need

Software development technologies have developed rapidly in recent years. What's up to date yesterday may be out of date. It is not enough to find a technology, component library or a new method, it has to be tested, tested carefully and as soon as possible. Our staff keeps track of new developments trends. Given that our company also deals with developments, these technologies are not only tested on simple example programs, but are carefully crafted into an upcoming application. 

 When discovering the technology, what kind of history does that company have to take into account? How much does the manufacturer maintain compatibility with previous component versions? How much technology has spread in the Internet community? What kind of license rights can be used in industrial applications for open source technology?

Where appropriate, if a goal is not a technology choice but an application or software system to solve a problem, then our staff will primarily focus on open source systems and do so if the system is not or not reliable enough, the payable solutions will be explored . If there is no suitable application on the market for the task, then we are proposing a new development.



Designing new development software

Why do you need planning? You have requirements, so why don't we just start and develop? Many people come up with this question when they are looking for an application development. The answer is very simple. If someone wants to build a house, then he will not start construction before designing it. The same should be the case here, as the best software for the purpose will be created with the design. During the design, the details will be reconsidered, development guidelines will be formulated and the appropriate technologies will be selected. Based on the completed plan, the cost estimation is more accurate.


Our company has been developing high-quality and reliable software for corporate needs since 2002. We are providing high-quality services to our customers for more then 20 years.

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